
Top government health officials warn about Labor Day gatherings
Dr. Fauci warns about Labor Day gatherings during Covid.

Twitter slaps warning labels on Trump tweets that suggest voting twice
Twitter puts warnings on Trump's posts suggesting illegal activity regarding the election.

Police arrest 8 during DC protests, including 5 for allegedly assaulting officers
Police arrest 8 during protests in DC for assaulting officers.

Jemele Hill: ‘Why Should a Country That Doesn’t Value Black Lives Get to Be Entertained by Black Athletes?’
Jemele Hill says that black athletes shouldn't entertain People if they don't believe that their lives matter.

U.S. tech stocks are now worth more than the entire European stock market
US Tech Stocks are worth more than the entire European stock market.

Officials say US much better prepared to combat meddling in 2020 than four years ago
Officials say that the US is much more prepared for foreign meddling now than four years ago.

Trump Organization Sued By New York Attorney General As She Investigates Its Financial Dealings
Trump Organization sued by New York Attorney General.

Report: Nearly 5 Million First-Time Gun Buyers in 2020
Over 5 Million first time gun buyers in the US 2020.