'It’s just sickening': Owners of family bakery arm themselves with guns and scare off rioters

Tocuwmal Bakery-1& by Sheba_Also 17,000,000 + views is licensed under Creative Commons flickr

Bakery owners in Ohio armed themselves with guns and defended their shop as protests in Cleveland became violent over the weekend. 

Rioters attempting to break into family-owned Corbo’s Bakery on Saturday using bats and other weapons backed down when they saw co-owner Joe Corbo and his two sons standing inside, armed with guns. 

“We don’t want any trouble. We don’t want you guys in here damaging our property. We’re just protecting our business, and truthfully, I would say maybe 80% of them understood. They left us alone and kept walking, and then, there was that 20% that just were accusing us of some things and crazy things that just weren’t true. We weren’t there to hurt anybody or cause a problem. We were just protecting our business,” co-owner Selena Corbo told a local Fox affiliate.
Tocuwmal Bakery-1& by Sheba_Also 17,000,000 + views is licensed under Creative Commons flickr
