8 reasons you're overpaying for healthcare

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No matter your stage of life, there's a good chance healthcare constitutes one of your most significant expenses. And if you're struggling to keep up with it, you're not alone. Medical debt is actually the No. 1 source of personal bankruptcy filings in the country, and even folks with decent insurance often find themselves in way over their heads.

But while certain medical costs are indeed unavoidable, in many cases, we do have the power to lower our healthcare spending. Here are a few reasons why you might be paying more for medical care than necessary, and what you can do about it.

1. You're not buying prescriptions in bulk

If there are medications you take regularly, you'll generally come out way ahead by buying them in bulk rather than renewing month after month. In fact, in some cases, you may come to find that a 90-day supply of pills is actually cheaper than a 30-day supply. It pays to ask your provider for 90-day prescriptions whenever they're available, because they could save you not only money, but time.
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