2nd Amendment advocates cheer 'concealed carry' decision

  • WND | by: BOB UNRUH |
  • 09/29/2017 12:00 AM
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Second Amendment Foundation founder Alan M. Gottlieb was rejoicing Friday after a federal appeals court ruled the Constitution does not give authority to officials in the District of Columbia to decide whether a gun owner has a “good” reason to obtain a concealed-carry permit.

“We are grateful,” he said, “that the court has shown considerable wisdom, and this should help advance the effort to assure reasonable concealed carry for district residents. It represents one more advancement in our effort to win firearms freedom one lawsuit at a time.”

It was the U.S. District Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia that turned down a demand from the city from the full court to rehear the case Wrenn v. District of Columbia.

SAF noted “not a single judge on the court requested a rehearing.”

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